Among most of the chicken breed the Black Australorp chicken breed is a very popular due to their ability to produce good numbers of eggs and the best quality of meat. In this blog post, we will give you in-detail information about this chicken breed.
What are the Black Australorp chicken Breed?
The Black Australorp chicken breed is a specific variety within the Australorp breed, because in the Australorp breed, they come in different color variety such as; Blue Australorp, Black Australorp and White Australorp.
The Black Australorp chickens are a dual-purpose chicken breed, they are known for their excellent egg-laying abilities and producing good quality of meat. One of the best thing of this breed is they can be kept for both free-range system in backyard as well as other commercial methods.
Aspect | Information |
Origin | Australia |
Body Color | Shiny black feathers |
Size of Chickens | Medium to Large |
Rooster Weight | 7.7 to 8.8 Ibs. (3.5 to 4Kg) |
Hen Weight | Up-to 6.6 Ibs. (3Kg) |
Annual Egg Production | 230 to 280 per year. |
Egg Color | Light Brown to Cream color |
Egg Size | Medium to Large |
Temperament | Calm, friendly and polite. |
Broodiness | Low |
1) Origin of Black Australorp chicken:
Black Australorp chicken is a breed of Australian origin. Black Australorp chickens were crossed with Rhode Island Reds, Minorcas and Langshans to increase their egg-laying ability and make them adaptable in Australian conditions. The goal was to create a chicken breed that will be good in both egg production and meat quality.
2) Physical characteristics Black Australorp chicken:
The Black Australorp chicken is a breed known for their unique and some specific physical characteristics. Here are some of the key features of this chicken breed:
- The Color of their body is black.
- They have large and Sigle types Comb.
- Their Comb, Wattles, earlobes are red and Eyes are black in color.
- They are very calm, friendly and not too much noisy in nature.
- These chickens are suitable for almost every climatic conditions.
- They can be kept very easily in Confinement Methods as well as Free-Range System in backyard.
- They are good layer chicken as well as produce quality meat.
3) What are Black Australorp chicken used for?
Black Australorp Chickens are primary use for their eggs for both small-scale and commercial egg production purpose, but as they are dual Purposes breed, means they able to produce good quality of meat as well as most numbers of Eggs.
Due to their attractive looking, calm and polite temperament, this chicken breed is become best choices for the backyard chicken farmers as well as the chicken lovers, those who are just love to keeping chickens. These chickens are also very easy to handle and can easily to various environmental conditions.
4) Black Australorp Chick’s Price:
The price of the Black Australorp chicken chicks is not fixed in everywhere, but it can be ranges from 4$ to 10$ per chick. The price of the baby chicks always get fluctuates and can also vary according to the breeders, Hatchery’s, season and location.
Whenever you go for buy chicks, always try to get from a good breeder or a Reputed Hatchery, so that there will be chances to get pure breed and good quality of chicks.
5) What do Black Australorp chicken feed?
The Black Australorp chickens are needs similar diets as most of the chicken breeds are needs. They require a balanced diet for their overall growth, development and better productions. Here in bellow some best and quality food options for chickens:
A) Commercial Chicken Feed:
A high-quality commercial chicken feed contains all the necessary nutrients, such as vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, minerals and other important nutrients which helping to support better body growth and higher egg production. Different types of commercial feeds are:
- Pre-Starter Chicken Feed: This feed is specially made for Chicks and given from 1st to 7 or 10 days of age.
- Stater Chicken Feed: Stater Chicken feed is fed to chicks from 11 to 30 days of age.
- Grower Chicken Feed: Grower feed is fed to Chickens from 31 to 60 days of age.
- Finisher Chicken Feed: This feed is fed to Chickens from 61 to until you are not selling chickens for meat.
- Layer Chicken Feed: if you want to keep chickens for egg laying then hen should be fed Layer feed. This feed is fed from 110 days to as long as hens are able to lay eggs.
B) Natural and Organic Foods:
In addition to commercial feed, include some natural foods, like grains to their diet, including; corn, wheat, oats, as well as seeds such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds etc. You can also add fresh fruits and vegetables. Offer them small amounts of leafy greens like lettuce or spinach, as well as chopped fruits like apples, guava, berries etc.
C) Grit and Oyster Shell:
To improve the digestion, all the chickens are required grit on their diet. Grit is small, hard particles like crushed granite or insoluble grit specifically designed for chickens. Grit helps them for grind down and digest their food properly.
Additionally, providing oyster shell or crushed egg shells separately can supplement their calcium intake, which help to support better egg laying capacity, strong eggshell formation and overall quality of eggs.
6) When do Australorp chicken start laying eggs?
Black Australorp hens are start laying eggs when they are become 140 or 150 days (20 or 21 weeks) old. The exact age of chickens for egg production can depends on different factors, such as breed genetics, nutrition, environmental conditions and overall health of the chicken.
When the Hens are start laying eggs is also called maturity stage of the chickens, at this time not all of your chickens in the flock will lay eggs, only some of them will lay. As the day passes, gradually all the hens of the flock will start laying eggs.
7) When do Black Australorp hens produce maximum eggs?
The maximum egg production will be seen when hens are become 180 to 200 days (25-28.5 weeks) old, but to obtain maximum eggs from them it’s very important to feed them nutritious along with good quality of foods.
If the chickens are not producing enough eggs, then there can be many factors behind it, like chickens are not getting enough light, calcium and other important nutrients, chickens are in under stress, overcrowding in the chicken house etc.
8) Black Australorp Chicken Weight Chart:
The Black Australorp chickens, when they are become 85 to 90 days old, then the Roosters are become 2.8 to 3.3 Ibs (1.3 to1.5 kg), and Hens are become 2.4 to 2.8 Ibs (1.1 to 1.3 Kg).
If talk about maximum body weight of male and female Black Australorp chickens then, “Rooster” can be 7.7 to 8.8 Ibs (3.5 to 4kg) and “Hen” can be up-to 6.6 Ibs (3kg).
Age (weeks) | Weight (Ibs) | Weight (grams/kg) |
4 | 1.3 | 500 grams. |
8 | 2.9 | 1.3 kg. |
12 | 4.4 | 2 kg. |
16 | 5.8 | 2.6 kg. |
20 | 7.5 | 3.4 kg. |
24 | 8.5 | 3.8 kg |
9) Black Australorp Egg Production:
A good and healthy Black Australorp hen can lay 230 – 280 eggs per year, in general a Black Australorp hen will lay around 4 – 5 eggs per week A hen can lay the maximum number of eggs in the first year, then gradually as the years passes its production keep decreasing by 20%.
Read More: 5 Most Egg Laying Chickens Breed
10) How long do Australorp chicken lay eggs
If a Black Australorp chicken is always kept healthy, then a hen can lay eggs continuously for 5 – 7 years. A hen does not lay much eggs in the 5th or 7th year as much as it does in the 1st year.
How many eggs a hen can lay, it is depending on how chickens are being cared. If the chickens are reared in the free-range method, they will lay eggs for longer than chickens who are reared in confinement methods.
11) Black Australorp Egg Color:
The Black Australorp hens are lay light Brown color of eggs. The shade of brown can vary slightly among individual hens, but the eggs are generally consistent in color within the breed.
12) Black Australorp Egg Size:
The Australorp chicken eggs are medium to larger in size. The weight of one egg is about 50-55 grams, but some time hens can lay small size of eggs. The biggest reason for the chicken eggs being small is the lack of Calcium in their body.
Whatever feed you are giving to your chickens to eat, if calcium is not enough available, then smaller eggs, week egg shell, low in egg productions etc. problem can be seen.
13) How long do Australorp hens live?
If chickens are being reared in backyard or free-range system then average a hen can live 5 – 8 years, on the other hand if chickens are reared in a confinement method, then a hen lives for an average of 3 – 5 years.
How long Australorp hens will live it’s depending on the rearing methods, care and managements of the chickens.
14) Is Australorp chicken good for meat?
Yes definitely, as Black Australorp chicken is a dual purpose chicken breed, they are suitable for both eggs and producing good quality of meat, however they are most famous for their egg laying ability but they also produce good and quality of meat.
15) Are Australorp chicken is good for beginners?
Definitely, Black Australorp chickens can be very good for the beginners. This is such a breed, which can be reared very easily in everywhere and suitable for all kinds of environmental conditions. Being a Dual-Purpose breed, by rearing these chickens for both meat and egg production, beginners can earn good profit in a very short time.
Read Here: Black Australorp Vs Rhode Island Red Chicken
If you are thinking to keeping chickens either small scall in your backyard or for commercial level, the Black Australorp chicken will be the best option for you. The Black Australorp chickens are very easy to care and handle for both the beginners or experienced farmer.
Aa this chicken is a dual-purpose breed that they can produce both – quality meat and higher eggs, along with these chickens can increase the beauty of your backyard flock due to their attractive black color of appearance.