5 Best Egg Laying Chickens Breed: 300+ Eggs Per Year!

If you are thinking about to rearing Egg laying chickens which will give you maximum eggs, than here you will get to know all about top 5 best egg laying chicken breeds along with their Characteristics, Chick’s price, Annual egg production, Body weight, Egg color, Egg size etc.

5 Best Egg Laying Chickens Breed

5 Best Egg Laying Chickens Breed

Here are the top 5 best egg laying chickens breed that produce most number of eggs in the world.

  1. White Leghorn
  2. Rhode Island red
  3. Golden Comet
  4. Black Australorp
  5. Plymouth Rock
Video: 5 Best Egg Laying Chickens

These all breeds are mostly reared for the production of eggs and some of them are for both eggs and meat as well. when it is comes to commercial egg productions, then these breed of chickens are become first choice for the chicken keepers. Before rearing any breed of Chickens its most important to know all about their characteristics.

1) White leghorn

White leghorn chicken breed

The White Leghorn chicken breed is Originate from a region in Northern Italy near the port for its namesake Leghorn. The birds were first exported to North America in 1828. This breed is known for it’s egg laying ability, this chickens are also known as one of the most white egg producing chicken breed in the world.

Here’s a summarizing table of the White Leghorn chicken breed:

Breed typeEgg layer
AppearanceWhite plumage, red comb and wattles, and yellow legs and beak
TemperamentActive and flighty
Egg productionHigh, up to 300 eggs per year
Meat productionLow
Climate toleranceWarm to hot climates
Table of White Leghorn chicken breed

Physical characteristics of leghorn chickens

  • The body color of this breed, you will get to see only in white color,
  • Their legs are yellow and eyes are red in color
  • They are very calm, friendly, and suitable for confinement.
  • They are very tolerant to all climatic conditions etc.

Chick’s Price of leghorn chickens

If we see the price of its female chicks than you may have to pay around 4$ – 10$/Chick’s, but it’s not fixed it may be more or less that is totally depending on some factors such as: seasons, your country or your Location that where are you living.

Hens are Start laying Eggs

Now the maturity stage of Leghorn hens or start laying eggs, when hens are about to 120 – 130 days (17 – 18 weeks) old, then they start laying eggs. However, the exact age at which a hen starts laying eggs will depend on how chickens are been cared.

Maximum egg Production

When the age of leghorn hens are turns about 180 – 190 days (26 – 27 weeks) old, then you will get to see maximum egg production from them. The actual number of eggs laid by hen that will depend on different factors.

Body weight of leghorn chickens

When they are comes to maturity stage at that time their body weight turns up to 120-1300gm, and if talk about their maximum body weight of male and female chickens then, Female 2kg – 2.3kg and Male 4-2.7kg.

Egg Production, Color and Size

A hen can lay up to 280 – 320 eggs per year, (25 eggs per month and 4-6 eggs per week). White Leghorn produce white color of eggs. These chickens are known as one of the best egg laying chickens, that produce white color of eggs. One leghorn chicken egg Ranges from 55gm – 60gm.

Read More: Most Common Chicken Diseases

2) Rhode Island Red (RIR)

RIR Chicken Breed

The Rhode Island Red (RIR) is an American dual Purpose Chicken breed. It’s a state bird of Rhode Island. This chicken breed is mostly rearing for egg production, because it has the ability of produce maximum number of eggs.

Here is a summarizing table on the Rhode Island Red chicken breed:

Breed typeDual purpose (meat and egg layer)
OriginUnited States
AppearanceReddish-brown plumage, dark brown comb and wattles, and yellow legs and beak
TemperamentDocile and friendly
Egg productionGood, up to 250 eggs per year
Meat productionGood, plump carcass
Climate toleranceCold to hot climates
Table of Rhode Island Red chicken

Physical characteristics of RIR

  • The body of this breed is dark Reddish or Brownish in color.
  • Eyes are red – orange, feet and legs are yellow in color.
  • They have rectangular, relatively long body.
  • Hardy in winter and tolerance in every climatic conditions.
  • Aggressive calm, friendly and very noisy in nature.

Chick’s Price of RIR chickens

The price of its female chick’s around 4$ – 10$/Chick’s. However, the price of White Leghorn chicken chicks are not fixed, it may be more or less depending on some factors such as: your country, your Location and also seasons. 

Start laying Eggs

The maturity stage of this breed or start laying eggs when hens are about to 130 – 140 days old, then they start laying eggs. The exact age at which a hen starts laying eggs that is depend on how chickens are been cared.

Maximum egg Production of RIR chickens

When the age of RIR hens are turns about 180 – 190 days (26 – 27 weeks) old, then you will get to see maximum egg production from them. The exact number of eggs laid by hen that will depend on different factors including their feed, light and overall health.

Average body weight of RIR chickens

When they are comes to maturity stage or become 130 – 140 days old, at that time their body weight turns up to 1500gm – 1650gm. The maximum body weight of Male 3.5-4kg and Female 3 -3.1kg. However, to obtain maximum body growth of chicken, it’s important to feed them a good and balance diet.

Egg Production, Egg Color and Eggs Size

A healthy RIR chicken can lay up to 280 – 300 eggs per year. Rhode Island Red produce Brown color of eggs and the size of one egg ranges from 55gm – 60gm. Due to exceptional egg laying ability these chickens are known as one of the best egg laying chickens that produce brown color of eggs.

Read More: Rhode Island Red Rooster Vs Hen

3) Golden Comet

Golden Comet chicken breed

The Golden Comet chicken is a hybrid they are also known as Golden Buff, Red Star, Cinnamon Queen, and Gold Sex-Link. Golden Comets are modern day egg laying strain of chicken. They are a cross between a Rhode Island Red and White Leghorn chicken.

Here is a summarizing table on the Golden Comet chicken breed:

Breed typeEgg layer
OriginUnited States
AppearanceGolden-brown plumage, red comb and wattles, and yellow legs and beak
TemperamentActive and flighty
Egg productionExcellent, up to 300 eggs per year
Meat productionPoor
Climate toleranceWarm to hot climates
Table of Golden Comet chicken

Physical characteristics of golden comet chickens

  • The body of this breed is brownish in color.
  • They have single combs.
  • Eyes are black, Legs and skin is yellow in colored.
  • Tolerance in every climatic conditions.
  • They are very sweet and gentle.

Chick’s Price of golden comet

The price of its female Chick’s around 4$ – 10$/Chick’s, but it’s not fixed it may be more or less depending on your country or your Location.

Hens are Start laying Egg’s

The maturity stage of this breed or they start laying eggs when hens are about to 120 – 130 days old, then they start laying eggs. The exact time when a chicken start laying eggs can vary or depending on some factors including, chicken’s diet, health, light etc.

Maximum egg Production

When the age of hens are turns about 170 – 180 days old, then you will get to see maximum egg production from them. To get maximum egg production from chickens, its important to feed them a good feed and at least 16 hours of light on daily basis.

Average body weight of golden comet chickens

When they are comes to maturity stage (i.e. 120 – 130 days old), at that time their body weight turns up to 1500gm – 1600gm, and maximum body weight of male is about 3kg – 3.5kg and female chickens is about 2kg – 3kg,

Egg Production, Egg Color and Eggs Size

A hen can lay up to 250 – 300 eggs per year. These chickens are lay Brown color of eggs and the weight of one egg Ranges from 50gm – 60gm.

4) Black Australorp

Black Australorp chicken breed

The Black Australorp is a dual-purpose Chicken breed of Australian origin, developed as a utility breed with a focus on egg laying. This chicken breed is also mostly rearing for egg production, because it has the ability of produce most eggs.

Here is a summarizing table on the Black Australorp chicken breed:

Breed typeDual purpose (meat and egg layer)
AppearanceBlack plumage, black comb and wattles, and black legs and beak
TemperamentDocile and gentle
Egg productionGood, up to 250 eggs per year
Meat productionGood, plump carcass
Climate toleranceCold to hot climates
Table of Black Australorp chicken

Physical characteristics of Black Australorp chickens

  • The body of this breed is Black in color.
  • They have red colored wattles and single combs.
  • Eyes are black, beaks are dark. Legs are black or slate-blue grey in colored.
  • Tolerance in every climatic conditions.

Chick’s Price

The price of its female Chick’s around 4$ – 10$/Chick’s, but it’s not fixed it may be more or less depending on your country or your Location. The exact price of chicks can vary on different places and different seasons.

Hens are Start laying Egg’s

The maturity stage of Australorp chickens or start laying eggs when hens are about to 140 – 150 days old, then they start laying eggs. The exact time when chickens start laying eggs can vary, proper care and provide nutrients will helps to chickens start laying eggs at their exact age.

Maximum egg Production

When the age of Black Australorp hens are turns about 180 – 200 days old, then you will get to see maximum egg production from them. Providing good health, diet and proper nutrients will help to achieve maximum number of eggs form chickens.

Average body weight of Black Australorp chickens

When they are comes to maturity stage (i.e. 140 – 150 days old), at that time their body weight turns up to 1500gm – 1750gm, the maximum body weight of male chickens about 3.5kg – 4kg and female chickens is about 2.5kg – 3kg.

Egg Production, Color and Size

Black Australorp chickens are also known for their excellent egg production. A hen can lay up to 230 – 280 eggs per year, and some hens have been recorded laying over 300 eggs in a year. Their eggs are typically medium to large (50-60gm per eggs) in size and light brown in color.

Read More: Blue Australorp Chicken

5) Plymouth Rock

Plymouth Rock chicken breed

The Plymouth Rock is a Americas oldest chicken breed. The hen was seen before the end of World War 2, and it became the nation’s main source of chicken meat and eggs. This breed is Raised for both meat and egg purpose.

Here is a summarizing table on the Plymouth Rock chicken breed:

Breed typeDual purpose (meat and egg layer)
OriginUnited States
AppearanceBarred, white, buff, or blue plumage, red comb and wattles, and yellow legs and beak
TemperamentDocile and friendly
Egg productionGood, up to 250 eggs per year
Meat productionGood, plump carcass
Climate toleranceCold to hot climates
Table of Plymouth Rock chicken

Physical characteristics of Plymouth Rock chickens

  • The have beautiful plumage of black and gray bars on each feather.
  • They have a single comb of moderate size.
  • Eyes are black, Legs and skin is yellow in colored.
  • They are Tolerant to all the climates.
  • They are extremely aggressive.

Chick’s Price

The price of its female Chick’s around 4$ – 10$/Chick’s, but it’s not fixed it may be more or less depending on your country or your Location and the exact price of chicks also can vary on different seasons.

Hens are Start laying Egg’s

The maturity stage of this breed or they start laying eggs when hens are about to 130 – 140 days old, then they start laying eggs. The exact time when Plymouth chickens start laying eggs can vary, with proper care and provide proper nutrients will helps chickens for start laying eggs at their exact age.

Maximum egg Production

When the age of hens are turns about 180 – 190 days old, then you will get to see maximum egg production from them. Providing proper care, diet and nutrients will help to achieve the maximum number of eggs form Plymouth chickens.

Average body weight of Plymouth Rock chicken

When they are comes to maturity stage (i.e. 130 – 140 days old), at that time their body weight turns up to 1200gm – 1400gm, the maximum body weight of male chickens is about 3-3.3kg and female chickens is about 2-2.8kg.

Egg Production, Color and Size

Plymouth Rock chickens are good egg layers, on an average a hen can lay up to 200 – 250 eggs per year. Their eggs are typically medium to large (45gm – 50gm) in size and their eggs are light brown in color.

Read More: 8 Steps How to Start Chicken Farming


There are many chicken breed in the world which are known for maximum eggs production, but about the 5 best egg laying chickens breed mentioned in this blog post which are among most popular and most reared chicken breeds around the world.

Now if someone wants to reared chickens only for commercially white eggs production, then they can choose the “White Leghorn” chicken breed. On the other hand, if someone wants to raising chickens for brown egg production, then they can choose “Rhode Island Red” (RIR) or “Golden Comet” chicken breed.

Now if you want to keep chickens as a hobby or pets in backyard, then you can go with “Rhode Island Red” or “Black Australorp” breed.


Q1: Which breed of chicken lays the most eggs?

Ans: There are two chicken breed which are known for their maximum egg laying capability, Leghorn and ISA Brown.

Q2: How many eggs will 100 chickens lay a day?

Ans: Generally a good lying chicken breed can lay 1 egg per day, however, if there is 100 chickens, then daily can get up-to 80 to 90 eggs.

Q3: What chickens lay 350 eggs a year?

Ans: There is a chicken breed called “ISA Brown” has ability to produce 300 to 350 eggs per year.

Q4: How long do fresh eggs last?

Ans: Generally an unwashed egg will last around 2 weeks or 14 days.

Q5: Which is the fastest egg laying chicken?

Ans: Leghorn chickens are known for fastest egg laying chicken breed, they are start laying eggs when hens are become 120-130 days (17-18 weeks) old.

I’m Mritunjay Chowdhury, delighted to share with you my years of experience and expertise in the field of chicken farming. Our mission is to empower chicken farmers, enthusiasts, and newcomers with accurate, practical, and insightful information to grow in poultry farming.

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