Rhode Island Blue Chicken: The 10 Amazing Things!

When it comes to raising chickens, one breed stands out for its stunning looks, friendly nature, and practical benefits that is Rhode Island Blue Chicken. In this blog post, we will explore all about the Rhode Island Blue Chicken and why it could be a great addition to your backyard flock.

rhode island blue chicken

Rhode Island Blue Chicken

Rhode Island Blues are a hybrid chicken breed that is a cross between the Rhode Island Red and the Australorp. They are known for their beautiful blue-black feathers, their excellent egg-laying ability, and hardy in nature makes them very easy for survive almost in every environmental conditions.

Here’s a simple table outlining some key characteristics of the Rhode Island Blue Chicken breed:

OriginUnited States
PlumageStriking blue color, ranging from silvery to deep shades
TemperamentFriendly, docile, and easy to handle
Egg ProductionProlific layers of large brown egg
HardinessAdaptable to various climates and weather conditions
Social BehaviorEnjoy social interaction with both humans and chickens
HealthGenerally hardy, regular health checks and care needed
Care RequirementsAdequate space, proper nutrition, clean coop
PurposeEggs, ornamental, and friendly backyard pets

1) Origin and History

The Rhode Island Blue chicken is a hybrid breed that was developed in the United States in the early 1900s. It is a cross between the Rhode Island Red and the Australorp, two breeds that are known for their excellent egg-laying ability and hardy in nature.

The exact origin of these chickens is unknown, but it is believed to have been developed in Rhode Island or Massachusetts. They became very popular among backyard chicken keepers due to its dual-purpose nature. They are good in laying eggs and also produces good amount of meat.

2) Temperament of Rhode Island Blue chicken:

Rhode Island Blues are generally known to be polite and friendly chickens. They are not known to be aggressive to humans or other chickens on the flock, which makes them relatively easy to handle and care. These chickens are also known for good mothers, means they will take good care of their chicks.

Read More About: Blue Australorp Chicken Breed

3) Appearance of Rhode Island Blue chicken:

The Rhode Island Blue Chicken is a captivating breed that is stands out with its unique and beautiful appearance. When you see these Chickens, you will notice that they are really pretty and special. Let’s check out the cool things that make this chicken look so nice.

rhode island blue chicken breed
  • Fancy Feathers: The best part is its feathers. They come in different blues, like soft silver or deep blue. The colors of their feathers make them look really fancy and cool.
  • Comb: On its head, there’s a thing called a comb. It can be pointy or roundish.
  • Beautiful Feathers Patterns: The feathers are special – they have patterns that look nice together. The mix of blue shades makes it look like a work of art.
  • Beak and Legs: The beak, which is like its mouth, is yellowish. And its legs are kind of blue-gray, which is different and cool.
  • Overall Style: When you look at a Rhode Island Blue Chicken, you can see everything fits well. The colors, patterns, and how it’s built – all make it a good-looking bird.

4) Rhode Island Blue Chicks

If you’re looking to add some cuteness and charm in-to your backyard flock than, choose Rhode Island Blue Chicks. Rhode Island Blue chicks are typically black with a blue sheen. As they mature, their feathers will develop the blue coloration that is characteristic of the breed.

rhode island blue chicken

Rhode Island Blue chicks are relatively easy to care for. They need a warm, draft-free brooder with a heat lamp. They should be fed a chick starter feed and have access to fresh water at all times. With proper care, Rhode Island Blue chicks will grow into beautiful and productive chickens.

5) Rhode Island Blue Rooster

Rhode Island Blue roosters are known for their crowing ability. They have a loud and clear crow that can be heard for miles around. They are also known for their aggressive nature, and some-times they can start fighting with other roosters. However, roosters can also be very friendly and will often bond with their owners.

Let’s take a closer look and check out why Rhode Island Blue roosters are so cool and special.

  • Feathers: This rooster has feathers that come in different blues, from light to deep. His feathers are so pretty that everyone will notice him.
  • Size: Roosters has medium size, strong and tough body. They are typically larger than hens, weighing around 8-9 pounds.
  • Protective Nature: Roosters have a protective nature. They watch over the hens in their care, sounding the alarm when they sense danger and even guiding them to food sources.
  • Crowning Glory: When the sun rises, you’ll hear the majestic crow of the Rhode Island Blue Rooster. Its crowing is not only a natural alarm clock but also a announcement of its place as the leader of the flock.
rhode island blue rooster and hen

Read More About: Rhode Island Red Rooster Vs. Hen

6) Rhode Island Blue Hen

Rhode Island Blue hens are typically smaller than roosters. They have a single comb and red wattles and earlobes. Hens are known for their excellent egg-laying ability. They can lay large brown in color of eggs. Their eggs are high in protein and have a mild flavor.

Here are some details about Rhode Island Blue hens:

  • Appearance: Hens are medium-sized chickens with a single comb and red wattles and earlobes. Their feathers are a combination of blue, black, and red, with a blue-black body and red shoulders and tail feathers.
  • Temperament: Hens are generally considered to be polite and friendly birds. They are not known to be aggressive, and they are relatively easy to handle.
  • Egg-laying ability: Hens are excellent egg layers. They can lay around up-to 280 large brown eggs per year. Their eggs are high in protein and have a mild flavor.
  • Foraging ability: Hens are also good foragers and can find and eat a variety of insects, seeds, and greens. This makes them a relatively low-maintenance breed, as they do not require a lot of supplemental feed.
  • Hardiness: Hens are also known for their hardy in nature. They are able to survive in cold weather and hot weather. They are also relatively resistant to diseases.

7) Feed Requirement For Rhode Island Blue chickens:

Taking care of your Rhode Island Blue chickens is easy when you will get to know what they like to eat, providing them the right food and water is a important part of their well-being. They have required similar diet as other chickens. Here are general feeding guide:

  • Chicks: Chicks should be fed a chick starter feed until they are 6 weeks old.
  • Growing chickens: Growing chickens should be fed a grower feed until they are 20 weeks old.
  • Laying hens: Laying hens should be fed a layer feed.

Additionally, you can also use fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains etc. in-to their diets. Some good options include: Read Here: 9 Free Natural High Protein Chicken feeds

  • Fruits: Apples, bananas, berries, melons, and oranges
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, carrots, kale, lettuce, and spinach
  • Grains: Millet, oats, and wheat

8) Rhode Island Blue Chicken Eggs

Rhode Island Blue chickens are excellent layers. If you are looking for a chicken breed that lays large, brown eggs, then Rhode Island Blues are a great option. Here are some important information about these chickens eggs:

rhode island blue chicken eggs

I) When They Start Laying Eggs:

Rhode Island Blue chickens typically start laying eggs at around 6 months of age. However, in some chickens the time of egg laying can vary, can start laying eggs as early or as late as 6 months old. The age at which chickens start laying eggs can be affected by different factors, including:

  1. Genetics: Some breeds of chickens are simply more likely to start laying eggs at a younger age than others.
  2. Diet: Chickens that are fed a healthy and balanced diet are more likely to start laying eggs at a younger age.
  3. Weight: Chickens that are a healthy weight are more likely to start laying eggs at a younger age.
  4. Light: Chickens that are exposed to a lot of light are more likely to start laying eggs at a younger age.

Once your chickens start laying eggs, they can lay eggs for up to 7 years. However, their egg production will start to decline after 4 or 5 years. If you are looking for a chicken breed that will lay lots of eggs for a long time, then:

Read Here: 5 Best Egg Laying Chicken Breeds

II) Egg Production Per Year:

Rhode Island Blue chickens are excellent egg layers, that they can lay 250 to 275 eggs per year. This number of eggs are still better and more than some other egg laying chicken breeds. However, there are many factors that can effect the egg production in chickens, including:

  • Genetics: Some breeds of chickens are simply more likely to lay more eggs than others.
  • Diet: Chickens that are fed a healthy and balanced diet are more likely to lay more eggs.
  • Weight: Chickens that are a healthy weight are more likely to lay more eggs.
  • Light: Chickens that are exposed to a lot of light are more likely to lay more eggs.
  • Health: Chickens that are healthy are more likely to lay more eggs.

III) Egg Color and Size:

Rhode Island Blue chickens typically lay medium to large and Brown color of eggs, which are typically around 60 grams in weight. They may also have a slight blue tint to the shell, but this is not always the case. Overall, these chickens are a great choice for backyard chicken keepers.

9) Care and Management For Rhode Island Blue chickens:

Rhode Island Blue chickens are relatively easy to care for and are a good choice for both experienced and beginner chicken keepers. Here are some tips for caring for Rhode Island Blue chickens:

I) Housing: 

Chickens need a coop that is large enough for them to move around comfortably. The coop should have plenty of roosts for the chickens to sleep on and nesting boxes for the hens to lay their eggs. The coop should also be well-ventilated and dry, and it should be kept clean to prevent the spread of disease.

II) Feeding and Watering: 

Chickens are needed a balance diet that is high in protein and calcium. You can feed them a commercial chicken feed that is formulated for laying hens. You can also supplement their diet with fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains. Chickens also need access to fresh water all the time.

III) Socialization: 

Chickens are social animals and they need to be around other chickens. If you only have one Rhode Island Blue chicken, you will need to make sure that you socialize it with other chickens or people.

IV) Vaccinations and Grooming: 

Chickens need to be vaccinated against all the diseases like, Mark disease, Newcastle disease, CRD, Fowlpox etc. diseases. These chickens do not require a lot of grooming. You will need to brush their feathers occasionally to remove any dirt or debris.

Read: 8 Most Common Chicken Diseases

V) Predators: 

Rhode Island Blue chickens can susceptible to predators, including foxes, coyotes, hawks, wild cats etc. You will need to take steps to protect your chickens from predators, by building a secure coop and run.

10) Lifespan of Rhode Island Blue Chicken:

The lifespan of Rhode Island Blue Chickens, as like other chicken breeds, but it can vary and depending on different factors. On average, Rhode Island Blue Chickens can live between 5 to 8 years. However, with proper care and management, some individuals may live longer.

If you want your Rhode Island Blue chickens to live a long and healthy life than, you will have to provide them proper care and management. You will also need to take them to the vet. doctor in regular basis for checkups.

11) Rhode Island blue vs Rhode Island Red

Rhode Island Blue and Rhode Island Red are both dual-purpose chicken breeds that means they are known for their egg-laying ability and meat production. However, there are some key differences between these two chicken breeds.

rhode island blue vs rhode island red

Here’s a simple comparison table highlighting the key differences between Rhode Island Blue and Rhode Island Red chickens:

CharacteristicRhode Island Blue ChickenRhode Island Red Chicken
FeathersStriking blue plumageRich mahogany-colored plumage
TemperamentCalm, friendly, and easygoingHardy, confident, and versatile
Egg ProductionExcellent layers of large brown eggs (250 – 300 eggs per year)Reliable producers of brown eggs (250 to 275 eggs per year)
SizeMedium-sized with sleek appearanceMedium-sized with sturdy build
AppearanceUniquely blue feathersClassic and attractive mahogany color
InteractionFriendly, enjoys human companionshipGood-natured and active
AdaptabilityAdapts well to various environmentsHardy and versatile in different conditions

12) Is The Rhode Island Blue Right For You?

Looking for friendly chickens that lay lots of eggs? Rhode Island Blues are great! They are very active in the backyard, they used to find their own food and live well with other chickens. Plus, they lay lots of good quality eggs!

While the roosters can be a little grumpy, most of the hens are very sweet and friendly. If you want fun chickens that lay lots of eggs, Rhode Island Blues might be the perfect choice for your backyard chicken coop!


The Rhode Island Blue Chicken is like having a unique and wonderful friend in your backyard. They add a touch of beauty and a lot of joy to your life while giving you fresh eggs. Whether you’re a new or an expert chickens keeper, these chickens will surely make your days brighter and your backyard a livelier place.

Hopefully, all the doubt related Rhode Island Blue Chicken is cleared, if you already have an experience with this chicken breed, then please drop your valuable feedback by comment bellow and don’t forget to share this post with your friends and to chicken lovers.

Hope This Helps! Thank you.


Q1: What is the average lifespan of a Rhode Island Blue chicken?

Ans: The average lifespan of a Rhode Island Blue chicken is 7-8 years.

Q2: How many eggs do Rhode Island Blue chickens lay per year?

Ans: Rhode Island Blue chickens are excellent layers and they can lay up-to 275 large brown eggs per year.

Q3: What is the temperament of a Rhode Island Blue chicken?

Ans: Rhode Island Blue chickens are generally considered to be polite and friendly.

Q4: where to buy Rhode Island Blue chicken?

ANS: There are a few places where you can such as, local hatchery, Online retailers, privet breeders etc.

I’m Mritunjay Chowdhury, delighted to share with you my years of experience and expertise in the field of chicken farming. Our mission is to empower chicken farmers, enthusiasts, and newcomers with accurate, practical, and insightful information to grow in poultry farming.

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