8 Steps How to Start Chicken Farming: Beginners Guide!

Today chicken farming is such a business where farmers are making money in a very short period of time. If you want to know How to start chicken farming or how to become a successful chicken farmer, then there are some steps which you will have to follow-up.

In this post you will get to know How to start Chicken farming business in details, Research and planning, procure equipment and supply, Site selection, Shed constructions, Breed selection, Management, Feeding, Total investment, Earning etc.

How To Start Chicken Farming

How to Start Chicken Farming Business?

Chicken farming is about raising of chickens domestically or commercially, primarily for meat and eggs production. Chicken farming can be a rewarding hobby or business. With proper care and management, your chickens will provide you fresh eggs and meat for many years.

Here are the 8 steps on How to Start Chicken Farming:

  1. Do your research. 
  2. Get the necessary permits and licenses. 
  3. Choose a location. 
  4. Build or buy a chicken coop.
  5. Procure equipment and supplies
  6. Get chickens.
  7. Feeding and care
  8. Marketing and sales

1. Do your Research

Before coming into chicken farming, it’s very important to go thorough with proper research and understand the industry, market demand, and the specific type of chickens you want to raise. Decide whether you’ll be focusing on egg production or meat production or both.

Understand the different types of chicken farming, such as broilers (meat production) and layers (egg production), Dual (eggs and meat production) to determine which suits with your goals. Consider factors like local market demand, budget, and available resources.

Read More: 5 Best Egg Laying Chicken Breed

Before doing anything else, it’s very  important to learn about that topics as much as you can. Here are some Factors to consider during this time include:

  • Market Analysis: Understand the demand for chicken products in your region. Research local competitors, prices, and consumer preferences.
  • Chicken Breeds: Choose chicken breeds that suit your business goals and local climate. Different breeds have different requirements and productivity levels.
  • Business Plan: Develop a detailed business plan outlining your goals, target market, budget, expenses, and revenue projections. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your chicken farming journey.
Video About How to Start Chicken Farming Business!

2. Get the necessary permits and licenses. 

In some areas, you may have to need some permits and licenses before start a chicken farm. Check your local government to find out what’s required. The necessary permits and licenses for chicken farming vary and depending on the location.

In India, the following are some of the common permits and licenses that may be required:

  • No objection certificate (NOC) from the local government: This is a document that gives permission to start a chicken farm in a particular area.
  • Trade license: This is a license that allows you to sell eggs or meat from your chicken farm.
  • Animal husbandry license: This is a license that allows you to keep and care for animals, including chickens.
  • Pollution control certificate: This is a certificate that shows that your chicken farm is not polluting the environment.
  • Electrical permission: This is a permission to use electricity for your chicken farm.
  • Groundwater department permission: This is a permission to use groundwater for your chicken farm.

3. Choose a location. 

The location of your chicken farm is important. It should be in a place that is safe for the chickens as well as the humans. Chose location where fresh water and chicken feeds import facility are available. It’s also important to consider the climate.

Chickens can’t survive in extreme cold or hot weather conditions, so you’ll need to make a good environment for chickens. Here are some factors to consider when choosing a location for starting chicken farming:

  • Zoning laws: Check with your local government to find out if there are any zoning restrictions on chicken farming in your area. Some areas may have restrictions on the number of chickens you can raise, the size of your coop, or the distance between your coop and neighboring properties.
  • Proximity to water: Chickens need access to fresh water, so it’s important to choose a location that is near a water source.
  • Proximity to food: Chickens also need access to food, so it’s important to choose a location that is near a source of chicken feed.
  • Proximity to a market: If you plan to sell your eggs or meat, it’s important to choose a location that is near a market where you can sell your products.
  • Climate: Chickens are susceptible to cold weather, so it’s important to choose a location that has a mild climate.
  • Space: Chickens need adequate space to roam, so it’s important to choose a location that has enough space for your coop and run.
  • Security: Chickens are prey animals, so it’s important to choose a location that is secure from predators.
building chicken house

4. Build or buy a chicken coop. 

The chicken coop is where your chickens will live. It should be big enough for them to move around comfortably and have nesting boxes. You can build your own coop or buy one from a farm supply store. Design and build your coop according to industry standards.

Building a chicken coop can be a rewarding experience, but it also requires some time and effort. You will need to collect some necessary materials and tools, and then follow the making instructions accordingly.

If you are not comfortable with DIY projects, or if you do not have enough time to build it, then buying a coop may be a better option for you. Buying a chicken coop can be a quick and easy way to get started with chicken farming. There are many different coops available, so you can find one that fits your needs and budget.

However, be sure to choose a coop that is well-ventilated and has a secure run so your chickens can safely roam. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether to build or buy a chicken coop:

  • Your budget: Building a chicken coop can be expensive, especially if you need to purchase materials and tools. Buying a coop can be more affordable, but you may have to pay more for a high-quality coop.
  • Your skills: If you have some DIY experience, then building a chicken coop may be a good option for you. However, if you do not have the skills or time to build a coop, then you can buy it.
  • Your time constraints: Building a chicken coop can take few days or even few weeks. If you don’t have enough time, then buying will be better option.
  • Your needs: Consider how many chickens you plan to raise, the size of your coop, and the features you need.

5. Procure equipment and supplies

Collect all the necessary equipment and supplies required for chicken farming, including feeders, waterers or drinkers, nesting boxes, and heating or cooling systems if required. Make sure that all equipment is of good quality and appropriate for the scale of your operation.

Here are some of the essential equipment and supplies you need to start chicken farming:

  • Feeder and waterer: Chickens need a constant supply of food and water. The feeder should be large enough to hold enough food for your chickens for a day, and the waterer should be clean and filled with fresh water daily.
  • Nesting boxes: Nesting boxes are where your chickens will lay their eggs. The nesting boxes should be placed in a quiet, dark area of the coop and should be lined with straw or shavings.
  • Perches: Chickens need perches to roost on at night. The perches should be at least 18 inches off the ground and should be wide enough for the chickens to spread their wings.
  • Heater: If you live in a cold climate, you will need to provide a heater for your chickens in the coop.

These are just some of the essential equipment and supplies that you need to start chicken farming. There are many other things that you may need, it’s totally depending on your specific needs and preferences.

Read More: RIR Chicken Breed (Egg Laying Super Star)

Sonali chicken chicks

6. Get chickens

Once you have a house or coop, you can get chickens either its chicks or adults. Choose the breeds that are right for you, based on their egg-laying ability, size, and temperament. Selecting the suitable chicken breed is very important, as different breeds are suited for specific purposes.

Research on different breeds based on their specialty, such as growth rate, egg production, temperament, and their disease resistance power. Even you can consult with local poultry experts or poultry associations for their recommendations.

7. Feeding and care

Chickens need a balanced diet, supplements, fresh water and good environment for growing faster. You can buy chicken feed at most farm supply stores or from the local poultry farms. Proper nutrition is key to the health and productivity of your chickens. You can choose between commercial poultry feed or formulate by yourself at home.

Maintaining the health of your chickens is important task for the success of your farm. Providing them clean coop, and plenty of space to roam, biosecurity plan to prevent the spread of diseases. Regularly monitor your flock to observe if any signs of illness occur in chickens.

Read More: 5 Most Common Chicken Diseases

Sonali murga and murgi

8. Marketing and sales

Marketing and sales are essential for any business, including chicken farming. Once your chickens ready for market or start laying eggs, you’ll need to find a way to market them. You can sell them to friends, family, or at a farmer’s market. Here are some tips for marketing and selling your chicken products:

  • Identify your target market: Who are you selling your chicken products to? Once you will get to know that who are your target market is, you can tailor your marketing efforts to reach them.
  • Create a strong brand: Your brand is what will set you apart from your competitors. Make sure your brand is consistent across all your marketing materials.
  • Use social media: Nowadays social-media is a great way to connect with potential customers and to promote your products. Be sure to post interesting and informative content that will engage your audience.
  • Attend farmers markets: Farmers markets are a great way to sell your products directly to the consumers. Be sure to set up a booth that is attractive and inviting for the customers.
  • Network with other farmers: You have to get to know about other farmers in your area. They may be able to help you for marketing and sell your products.
  • Offer discounts and promotions: Discounts and promotions are a great way to attract new customers and boost sales. Be sure to promote your discounts and promotions on your website and social media pages.
  • Provide excellent customer service: Customer service is essential for any business, but it’s especially important for chicken farming. Make sure your customers happy with their experience, from the time they place an order to they receive their products.
How to earn money from chickens

Chicken farming is good or profitable business?

Definitively, if chicken farming business done with hard work and dedication, then farmers can earn good profit from it. Whether chicken farming is a profitable business or not, it’s totally depends on number of factors, including size of the operation, cost of production, and the market for chicken products.

In general, chicken farming can be a profitable business, but before it is important to do your research and plan carefully. Here are some things to consider:

The cost of production: 

The cost of production includes the cost of feed, bedding, housing, and other supplies. You will also need to manage the cost of labor, if you are not able to doing all the work by yourself.

The market for chicken products: 

The demand for chicken products varies depending on the location and the time of year. It is important to research the market in your area to make sure that there is demand for your products or not.

The size of the operation: 

The size of the operation will affect the amount of profit you can make. A larger operation typically will be more profitable than a smaller operation, but it will require more investment.

The experience of the farmer: 

A farmer with experience in chicken farming will typically be more successful than a farmer with no experience. This is because the farmer will know how to manage the chickens and reduce costs.


In conclusion, starting a chicken farming business requires careful and smart planning, dedication, and a commitment to providing the best possible care and management for your birds. By following these 8 steps about poultry farming, definitely one day you will get success in poultry farming business.

Hopefully, all the doubt related How to start chicken farming is cleared, if you already have an experience in chicken farming business, then please drop your valuable feedback by commenting bellow and don’t forget to share this post with your friends or chicken lovers.

Hope This Helps! Thank you.


Q1: Is chicken farming profitable?

Ans: Chicken farming can be a profitable business, but it is important to do your research and plan carefully.

Q2: Is chicken farming hard?

Ans: Chicken farming can be a rewarding hobby or business, but it is important to do your research and understand the challenges involved.

Q3: How many chickens do I need to start a chicken farm?

Ans: If you are just starting out, it is a good idea to start with a small flock of 50-100 chickens.

Q4: How do I start a simple chicken farm?

Ans: Here are some simple steps that you should follow: chose location, build or buy chicken coop, select breed, feeding, care and manage for your chickens.

I’m Mritunjay Chowdhury, delighted to share with you my years of experience and expertise in the field of chicken farming. Our mission is to empower chicken farmers, enthusiasts, and newcomers with accurate, practical, and insightful information to grow in poultry farming.

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