Easter Egger Chicken Breed: 15 Things You Need to Know!

The Easter Egger chicken is a mix of different breeds (Hybrid), like Ameraucanas and Araucanas, and this chicken breed is very famous among the backyard chicken keepers for their beautiful and attractive egg laying ability.

easter egger chicken

What are Easter Egger Chickens?

Easter Egger Chicken is a hybrid breed that has been developed by crossing different breeds of chickens, such as Ameraucanas, Araucanas and some other chicken breeds as well that lay colorful eggs. This chicken breed is loved by many for their colorful eggs and friendly personalities.

Also Read: Easter Egger Rooster Vs Hen

1) Origin of Easter Egger Chicken:

The exact origin of the Easter Egger Chicken is not known. However, it is believed that they were first developed in the United States in the early 20th century by crossing Araucana, Ameraucana and other breeds that lay colorful eggs.

Video: Easter Egger Chicken Breed:

2) Physical characteristics of Easter Egger Chicken:

As Easter Egger chicken is a mix of different breeds, so they can look quite different from each other, depending on the breeds that were used for their development. However, there are some general physical characteristics:

  • A medium-sized body with a muscular build.
  • One special thing that is they have bunch of feathers on their head, which called “crest”
  • They also have beard or feathers under their chin, which can give them “fluffy” appearance.
  • They comes in variety of feather colors and patterns, such as; black, brown, white, and grey.

Read Also: Easter Egger Vs Olive Egger Chicken

3) Temperament of Easter Egger Chicken:

Easter Egger Chicken is known for their friendly and sociable temperament. They are generally very calm and polite in nature. Easter Eggers are also known for being less flighty than some other chicken breeds, which helps to makes them easy to handle and care.

They are also known as active chickens love to roam out-side, scratching in the dirt and finding their own food, these all makes them a fun and entertaining addition to your backyard flock.

4) Easter Egger chicken Colors:

Easter Eggers are come in a variety of colors and patterns, their coloring can vary or depending on the breeds that were used for their breeding or development. However, here are some most common colors and patterns that you may see in this Chickens:

easter egger rooster and hen
  1. Black
  2. Blue
  3. Brown
  4. Buff
  5. Grey
  6. Red
  7. White

5) What are Easter Egger chicken used for?

Easter Egger Chickens are primarily used for egg production, as they are known for laying colorful and unique eggs. However, they are also popular for backyard flocks as pets, due to their friendly personalities and attractive in looks.

This chicken is considered as a dual-purpose breed, which means that they can be use for both meat and eggs production. However, their egg-laying abilities are generally more valued than their meat quality.

6) How much dose a Easter Egger chicken chicks cost?

easter egger chicken chicks

On an average, the cost of Easter Egger chicks can range from $3 to $10 per chick, but the price is not fixed it can vary or depending on many factors, such as the breeder, location, chick’s age, seasons etc.

It’s important to note that Always try to buy chicks from a Reputed Hatchery or from your local breeding farm, so that you can get better and good quality chicks.

7) What do Easter Egger chicken feed?

As like other chickens breed Easter egger chickens are also eat the same, but it’s important to choose a high-quality food for their better growth and development, such as ready-made market feed and also natural foods like, fruits, vegetables, seeds, grains etc.

Read Also: 100% Organic Homemade Chicken Feed Formula

Chick starter feed is recommended for chicks up to six weeks old, while grower feed can be given to young birds from six weeks to the point of lay. Once hens start laying eggs, they can be switched to a layer feed that is specifically formulated to support higher egg production for the chickens.

8) Easter Egger Chicken size:

Easter Egger Chickens are a medium-sized breed, with males and females reaching similar sizes. On an average, adult hens weight between 4 to 5 pounds, while adult roosters weight between 5 to 7 pounds.

9) When do Easter Egger chicken start laying eggs?

Easter Egger Chickens typically start laying eggs between the ages of 4 to 5 months old, although this can vary or depending on the individual bird and environmental factors such as daily lighting, chickens diet, chickens health, calcium and the amount of other important nutrients that chickens are getting.

Read Also: Most Common Chicken Diseases

It’s important to note that while hens are start laying at 4 to 5 months old, their egg production may not reach peak levels until they are become around 6 to 8 months old.

10) Easter egger chicken egg production:

A Easter Egger hen can lay around 150 to 200 eggs per year, although their egg production can vary from bird to bird. However, it’s important to note that individual hens may lay more or fewer eggs based on different factors such as their genetics, health, diet and environmental conditions etc.

11) What color are Easter Egger chickens eggs?

easter egger eggs

Easter Eggers are most commonly known for laying blue or green eggs. These eggs have a unique and eye catching appearance, it’s important to note that not all the Easter Eggers will lay blue or green eggs. Some may lay eggs in different shades, such as pink, brown or even white.

12) How long do Easter Egger chicken lay eggs?

On an average, hens typically lay eggs consistently for about 3 to 4 years. The peak egg production for Easter Egger hens usually occurs in the first year or second year of laying. However, egg production may gradually decrease as the year passes.

It’s also important to note that hens may naturally slow down or stop laying eggs during the extreme cold, hot or under stressful conditions, so it’s also important to keep chickens healthy, stress free and free from diseases by providing best possible care.

13) How long do Easter Egger hens live?

The lifespan of Easter Egger hens can vary, but on average, they can live for 5 to 8 years. Factors such as genetics, diet, environment and overall care can depend the lifespan of an Easter Egger hen.

Some hens may live beyond 8 years, while others may have a shorter lifespan, Proper nutrition, clean and safe living environment, regular veterinary care and protection from predators can help to promote longer and healthier life for Easter Egger hens.

14) Is Easter Egger chicken good for meat?

Easter Eggers are primarily valued for their colorful eggs and friendly personalities, but they can also be used for meat production. As a dual-purpose breed, Easter Egger chickens can also provide meat, but their meat quality may not as like other dedicated meat breeds.

However, if meat production is a primary goal, then there are many other chicken breeds which are specifically bred for meat production. Some breeds, such as Cornish Cross or Broilers, are often preferred by commercial meat producers.

15) Are Easter Egger chicken is good for beginners?

Yes, Easter Eggers are generally considered a good choice for beginners in chicken keeping. There are several reasons why they are recommended, because these chickens are easy to care, they have friendly Temperament and most importantly they has good egg-laying abilities.

Read Also: 5 Best Egg Laying Chicken Breeds for Beginners


Easter Eggers are a popular choice for both new and experienced chicken owners because they’re good for many things. As Easter Egger Chickens can be used for both meat and eggs production, but they are primarily used for their colorful eggs.

Overall, raising Easter Egger Chickens can provide you good experience, however, before start keeping chickens, it’s important to do your proper research and get knowledge about basic chicken care.


Q1: Do the Easter Egger eggs taste different?

Ans: The taste is generally similar to other chicken eggs, the color of the eggshell does not significantly impact the taste or flavor of the egg.

Q2: Are Easter Eggers friendly to other chickens?

Ans: Yes, Easter Eggers are generally friendly towards the other chickens and can cooperate well with other breeds in a backyard flock.

Q3: Are Easter Eggers noisy?

Ans: Easter Eggers are generally not considered too much noisy compared to other breeds of chickens.

Q4: Do Easter Egger chickens always lay colored eggs?

Ans: No, Easter Egger chickens do not always lay colored eggs.

I’m Mritunjay Chowdhury, delighted to share with you my years of experience and expertise in the field of chicken farming. Our mission is to empower chicken farmers, enthusiasts, and newcomers with accurate, practical, and insightful information to grow in poultry farming.

3 thoughts on “Easter Egger Chicken Breed: 15 Things You Need to Know!”

  1. Good morning from Ondo State in Nigeria. I am AYADI ABIMBOLA an interested Chicken Farmer who needs orientations and education on how best to start.
    Your informations have become a great tool to my dream of starting a Chicken Farming & I therefore request for the following:
    *How to get EASTER EGGERS hens for my farm.
    *Tips on how to start my Chicken Business in a rented apartment.
    *Ideas on how to raise money for starting (if any)
    *Encouragement on “start little become bigger” in future.


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