Whiting True Green Chicken: 9 Amazing Things With Pictures!

When it comes to chickens, the breed of chicken is play very important role in determining the flavor, texture of their meat, eggs and overall experience. One breed that has gained the attention of many chicken lover that is the Whiting True Green Chicken.

Whiting True Green

Whiting True Green Chicken:

The Whiting True Green chicken breed is a relatively new breed, developed by Dr. Tom Whiting in the late 1990s. They are known for their consistent laying of large, green eggs, as well as their gentle temperament and hardiness.

Here’s a table summarizing the details about this chicken:

BreedWhiting True Green Chicken
OriginUnited States
AppearanceMedium-sized body, plump breasts, meaty thighs
Feathersreddish to chestnut in color
Combs and WattlesBright red
FlavorRich, flavorful, and delicious
TextureTender and juicy
Culinary VersatilitySuitable for various cooking methods and recipes
SustainabilityEthically and sustainably raised, no antibiotics or hormones

1) Origin of Whiting True Green Chickens:

The Whiting True Green Chicken is a special breed that originated in the United States. It was developed from the Rhode Island Red, a breed known for its ability to lay a lot of eggs. Breeders carefully selected and refined certain traits over time to create the distinct Whiting True Green Chicken we know today.

2) Temperament of Whiting True Green Chickens:

The Whiting True Green Chicken breed has a friendly and calm temperament. They are easy to handle and get along well with humans. These chickens are not aggressive and generally have a gentle nature. They can become comfortable with people and may even seek interaction.

Here are some key characteristics of their temperament:

  1. Nature: These Chickens are known for their calm and gentle temprerament. They tend to be less flighty and more content with human interaction, making them easier to handle and work with.
  2. Friendliness: These chickens are generally friendly and can develop a bond with their owner. With proper socialization, they can become quite comfortable with human presence.
  3. Curiosity: These Chickens are known to be curious birds. They may explore their surroundings and peck their own foods.
  4. Non-aggressiveness: This breed is typically not known for very aggressive in nature towards the humans or other chickens on the flock.
  5. Adaptability: Whiting True Green Chickens are can adapt very well to various environmental conditions. They can handle different weather conditions and can adapt to different coop setups.

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3) Appearance of Whiting True Green Chickens:

You can easily recognize a Whiting True Green Chicken by its appearance. These chickens have a medium-sized body. Their feathers are reddish to chestnut in color that shines in the sunlight, which makes them quite eye-catching.

Whiting True Green chicken

Here are the key features of their appearance:

  1. Feathers: The feathers are reddish to chestnut in color. When light hits their feathers, they shimmer and create an attractive visual effect.
  2. Size: These chickens have a medium-sized body, neither too small nor too large. They are well-proportioned, with plump breasts and meaty thighs.
  3. Combs and Wattles: They have bright red combs and wattles. The comb is the fleshy crest on top of their head, while the wattles are the hanging flaps of skin under their beak. The red color adds to their overall charm.
  4. Beak and Eyes: They have a pointed beak, which they use for pecking at food and exploring their surroundings. Their eyes are usually bright and expressive.

4) Whiting True Green Chicks and their price:

When they hatch, Whiting True Green chicks have soft and fluffy feathers that are usually light in color, like yellow or pale. As they grow, their feathers become more defined and their appearance changes.

Whiting True Green chicks

These chicks have a round body shape with short legs and wings. Their beaks are small and pointed, which helps them peck at things and find food.

These chicken chicks grow pretty fast. With good care and the right food, they quickly go through different stages of growth. They shed their fluffy feathers and start growing new ones.

5) Whiting True Green Rooster:

The roosters of the Whiting True Green Chicken breed are quite impressive. Here are some details about these majestic chickens:

  • Size: Roosters are larger and more strong than hens. They have a proud and upright stance with a well-developed chest and muscular build.
  • Comb and Wattles: Roosters typically have larger and more pronounced combs and wattles compared to hens, but more noticeable things is red crests on top of their heads and hanging flaps of skin under their beak.
  • Feathering: The tail feathers of the roosters are long and flowy. Their feathers are golden to chestnut to a darker reddish brown in color.
  • Behavior: Roosters can be a bit more assertive and protective. They show their dominance by puffing up their feathers, flapping their wings, and making a loud crowing sound.
Whiting True Green rooster and hen

6) Whiting True Green Hens:

Whiting True Green hens are wonderful and charming birds. Here’s a simple description of what they’re like:

  • Size: The hens are smaller and more dainty compared to the roosters. They have a graceful and pretty appearance with a well-proportioned body.
  • Comb and Wattles: Hens have smaller and less noticeable red crests on their heads and flaps of skin under their beak, called combs and wattles. They are still there, but not as big.
  • Feathering: Just like the roosters, the hens have reddish to chestnut in color feathers. Their feathers are lovely, although they may not be as vibrant and showy as the roosters.
  • Behavior: Hens have calm and nurturing personalities. They focus on things like finding food and taking care of the other chickens in their flock.

7) Feed Requirement for Whiting True Green Chickens:

i) Starter Feed:

When chicks are very young, they need a special type of feed called starter feed. This feed is finely ground and has a lot of protein to help the chicks grow. It usually has around 20-22% protein to give them the nutrients they need.

ii) Grower Feed:

As the chicks grow older and become young chickens, they switch to a different type of feed called grower feed. This feed has a little less protein, around 16-18%. It still gives them the important nutrients for their muscles and bones as they continue to grow.

iii) Layer Feed:

When hens are start laying eggs, they need a special feed called layer feed. This feed is made just for egg-laying hens. It has a balanced mix of protein, vitamins, minerals, and calcium to keep the hens healthy and help them lay good eggs. Layer feed usually has around 16-18% protein.

iv) Treats:

In addition to their regular feed, chickens can enjoy some natural treats. Treats can include things like grains, fruits, vegetables, and mealworms. These treats give them a little extra variety and fun in their diet. Just remember not to give them too many treats, as it’s important to keep their main feed as the main part of their diet.

iv) Fresh Water:

It’s really important to always have fresh and clean water available for the chickens. They need water to stay hydrated and healthy, no matter what type of feed they’re eating.

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8) Whiting True Green Chicken Eggs

Whiting True Green chicken eggs

Whiting True Green chickens are really good at laying eggs. Here’s what you can expect from their egg-laying abilities:

I) When They Start Laying Eggs:

Whiting True Green chickens are known for their excellent eggs laying ability, hens usually start laying eggs when they’re about 18 to 20 weeks old. It’s important to take care of them and give them the right food during this time to help them develop properly.

II) How Many Eggs They Lay:

These hens are great layers, which means they lay a good number of eggs. On average, you can expect them to lay about 300 eggs per year and 4 to 6 eggs per week. That’s a nice amount!

III) Size and Egg Color:

The eggs laid by Whiting True Green hens are usually medium to large in size. They produce green or olive in color of eggs.

9) Care and Management for Whiting True Green Chickens

Taking care of Whiting True Green chickens means giving them the right care and attention to keep them healthy and happy. Here are some important things to remember:

I) Housing:

Give your chickens a safe and comfortable place to live. Make sure their coop or house is protected from predators and bad weather. They should have enough space to move around and rest comfortably.

II) Bedding:

Put clean and soft bedding, like straw or wood shavings, on the floor of the coop. This helps to keep your chicks warm, absorbs any messes or waste, and makes cleaning easier.

III) Food:

Feed your chickens a balanced diet that’s right for their age. Start with a special feed for chicks, then switch to grower feed, and later to layer feed for hens. They also need fresh water every day and can enjoy some treats like grains, fruits, and vegetables.

IV) Water:

Make sure your chickens always have clean and fresh water to drink. Check their water containers regularly and refill them as needed. It’s important to keep the water clean to keep your chickens healthy.

V) Health Care:

Keep an eye on your chickens’ health. Watch for any signs of sickness or strange behavior. They may need vaccinations or deworming treatments to stay healthy. If you notice anything wrong, ask an expert or a veterinarian for help.

VI) Cleanliness:

Keep the coop clean by regularly cleaning it and removing any dirty bedding or waste. This helps keep the chickens healthy and prevents pests and diseases. Also, clean their water containers and feeding equipment regularly.

VII) Protection:

Protect your chickens from predators like raccoons or foxes. Use fences and secure the coop with strong wire mesh. Check for any holes or weak spots in the fencing that could let predators in.


In conclusion, the Whiting True Green Chicken breed is truly something special. these chickens will be wonderful addition to your backyard flock. They have a calm nature and can adapt to different environments, which makes them a great choice for farmers or chicken lovers.


Q1: How Long Do Whiting True Green Chickens Lay Eggs?

Whiting True Green chickens typically start laying eggs at around 6 months of age and can continue to lay eggs for up to 10 years. However, their peak egg-laying production occurs in the first two years. After that, their egg production will gradually decrease.

Q2: How Long Do Whiting True Green Chickens Live?

Whiting True Green chickens typically live for 6-8 years. However, some chickens can live for up to 10 years

Q3: When do Whiting True Green start laying eggs?

Hens are typically start laying eggs at around 6 months of age. However, some hens may start laying eggs early 5 months old, while some others may start laying after 6 months of age.

Q4: What are Whiting True Green chickens used for?

Whiting True Green chickens are a dual-purpose chicken breed, means they can produce both meat and eggs.

I’m Mritunjay Chowdhury, delighted to share with you my years of experience and expertise in the field of chicken farming. Our mission is to empower chicken farmers, enthusiasts, and newcomers with accurate, practical, and insightful information to grow in poultry farming.

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