Olive Egger Vs Whiting True Green: 8 Amazing Differences

If you are looking for chickens that lays beautiful eggs, then there have any chicken breeds to choose, and each of them has their own unique quality and advantages. Here we will compare between two popular and beautiful egg layer breed: Olive Egger Vs Whiting True Green chickens.

olive egger vs whiting true green

Olive egger vs Whiting True Green Chicken

Olive Eggers and Whiting True Green both the chicken breed is a hybrid breed chicken, means this chicken have been created by crossing with different breed of chickens. Both these chicken is dual-purpose breed, and known for their colorful egg laying ability, but they have some key differences which makes them different from each other.

1) Origin: Olive egger vs Whiting True Green

The origin of the Olive Egger chicken is a bit mysterious, because some people believe that they originated in England, while others are believed that Olive Eggers originated in the United States. On the other hand, the Whiting True Green chickens are also originated in United States.

2) Temperament: Olive egger vs Whiting True Green

A) Olive Egger

Olive egger chickens are generally known for their calm, friendly in nature, and they love to roam outside freely than the whiting true green chickens. This chicken breed likes to socialize with humans and enjoy being around with their owners.

B) Whiting True Green

On the other hand, the whiting true green chickens are also very calm and friendly in nature, but they are very shy in nature than the olive egger chickens.  Due to shy in nature they don’t like to roam out-side and socialize with humas as much as olive egger chickens do.

Read Also: Olive Egger Vs Ameraucana Chicken

3) Physical Characteristics: Olive egger vs Whiting True Green

olive egger vs whiting true green chicken

A) Olive Egger

Olive Eggers chickens are typically larger than Whiting True Green chickens and they have a strong build body with full breast. The most attractive feature of this chicken breed is their body color. Olive eggers are can be variety of colors, such as, black, brown, gray, and white, but they may have spotted or striping on their feathers.

B) Whiting True Green

On the other hand, the Whiting True Greens are typically smaller than Olive Eggers, and they have slim build figure with a smaller breast. The body color of the Whiting True Greens are typically comes in solid green color, and they may also have some white or brown spot on their feathers.

4) Egg Production and Egg Color

olive egger vs whiting true green eggs

Olive Egger and Whiting True Green both are known for their beautiful and colorful egg laying ability. However, there are some differences in their egg production and egg colors;

A) Olive Egger

The Olive Egger chickens are typically start laying eggs at around 5-6 months of their age, and typically lay around 150-200 eggs per year. The color of their eggs can be a pale to dark olive green, but the color of the eggs can vary or depending on the breed that were used for their development.

For example, if Olive Eggers are crossed with Marans then chance to lay darker green eggs, while Olive Eggers that are crossed with Ameraucanas then chances to lay paler green eggs.

B) Whiting True Green

While on the other hand, the Whiting True Green chickens also start laying eggs when they are become around 5-6 months old, and they lay higher numbers of eggs than the olive egger chickens, with an average of 160-240 eggs per year.

The main difference between these two chickens is the color of their eggs, as this chicken breed is lay eggs mostly deep, vibrant green in color.

Read Also: 5 Most Egg Laying Chicken Breeds

5) Chicks: Olive egger vs Whiting True Green

olive egger vs whiting true green chicks

A) Olive Egger

Olive Egger chicks can come in variety of colors, such as black, brown, gray, and even white. They may also have spot or striping on their feathers. The size of Olive Egger chicks is typically weigh around 3-4 ounces when they hatch which can cost around $5-10 per chick.

B) Whiting True Green

On the other hand, Whiting True Green chicks are mostly comes with solid green in color, but they may also can have some white or brown spot on their feathers. The size of Whiting True Green and Olive Egger chicks is similar. They typically weigh around 3-4 ounces when they hatch and a day-old chick can cost same as olive egger around $5-10.

6) Hardiness and Health

A) Olive Egger

The Olive Eggers are generally known to be more hardy in nature than the Whiting True Green chickens. As olive eggers are able to survive easily in extreme cold temperatures and are less susceptible to diseases.

B) Whiting True Green

While on the other hand, the Whiting True Greens are typically less hardy than Olive Eggers. They are more susceptible to diseases but they can also easily can survive in colder climatic conditions and can suffer in hot weather.

7) Lifespan: Olive egger vs Whiting True Green

The lifespan of Olive Egger and Whiting True Green chicken both are can live for 5-8 years or even more. However, the lifespan can vary or depending on different factors, such as their parents, environmental conditions, individual health and overall how you are caring for your chickens.

8) Broodiness: Olive egger vs Whiting True Green

The Olive Eggers are generally considered to be less broody. While on the other hand, Whiting True Greens are typically more broody than the Olive Eggers. This means that Olive Eggers are less likely to sit on their eggs and hatch them and the Whiting True Green chickens are more likely to sit on their eggs to hatch them.


Olive Egger and Whiting True Green both are good choices for backyard chicken keeping. However, olive egger chickens are more hardy in nature than whiting true green chickens. On the other hand the whiting true green chickens are produce higher eggs than the olive eggers. Apart from this all, both the chickens is good for keeping in backyard.

Q1: Are Olive Eggers and Whiting True Green chickens noisy?

Ans: No, they are generally quiet and peaceful, but sometimes they can be noisy specially when they feel danger.

Q2: Are Whiting True Green chickens suitable for smaller backyard setups?

Ans: Yes, Whiting True Green chickens are well-suited for various backyard sizes due to their calm temperament.

Q3: Which breed is better for families with children, Olive Eggers or Whiting True Green chickens?

Ans: Both breeds are known for their friendly nature, but Olive Eggers might have a slight edge in interactive and engaging behavior.

I’m Mritunjay Chowdhury, delighted to share with you my years of experience and expertise in the field of chicken farming. Our mission is to empower chicken farmers, enthusiasts, and newcomers with accurate, practical, and insightful information to grow in poultry farming.

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