Barred Rock Rooster vs Hen: 5 Main Differences and Roles!

Barred Rock chickens are a popular breed of chicken for backyard flocks. They are known for their friendly temperament, hardy in nature and good eggs laying ability. Let’s compare the Barred Rock Rooster Vs Hen, which will help you to decide which one is right for you.

Barred Rock rooster vs hen

Barred Rock Rooster vs Hen

Barred Rock is a popular chicken breed. They are known for their friendly temperament, hardy by nature, and good in egg production. They both Barred Rock rooster and hen have different role on the flock, here are some key differences between the Barred Rock Rooster vs Hen:

AspectBarred Rock RoosterBarred Rock Hen
SizeLarger and more robustSmaller and more compact
WeightApproximately 7-8 pounds (3-3.6 kg)Approximately 6-7 pounds (2.7-3.2 kg)
AppearanceProminent black and white barringBlack and white barring
Comb, Wattles, SpurLarger comb, wattles, and spursSmaller comb, wattles, no spurs
BehaviorAssertive, protective, territorialCalm, docile, less aggressive
VocalizationCrow to mark territory, alert flockGenerally quieter, minimal vocalization
PurposeProtection, mating, alarm systemEgg production, flock dynamics
Egg ProductionDoes not lay eggsProlific layers of medium to large eggs
Table of Barred Rock Rooster vs Hen

1) Appearance: Barred Rock Rooster vs Hen

Rooster: Barred Rock roosters are bigger than hens. They stand taller with their heads held high. They have a bigger red comb and wattles on their heads than hens. They have black and white striped feathers and long, beautiful tails.

Hen: Barred Rock hens are slightly smaller and more compact than roosters. They have a more rounded appearance and a smaller comb and wattles. Their feathers also show the same black and white stripes, but their tail feathers are shorter and not as noticeable as roosters’ tail feathers.

2) Size and Weight: Barred Rock Rooster vs Hen

Barred Rock hen vs rooster

Rooster: Barred Rock roosters are generally larger and heavier than hens. On average, a rooster can weigh around 8-9 pounds (3.6-4.1 kilograms) or more. Hen: Barred Rock hens are smaller in size and lighter than roosters. They typically weigh around 6-7 pounds (2.7-3.2 kilograms) on average.

3) Behavior and Temperament:

Rooster: Barred Rock roosters are protective and watchful over their flock. Roosters also protect their hens and may get aggressive towards things if they think they are in danger.

Hen: Barred Rock hens are generally calm, docile, and friendly. They are excellent foragers and known to be good mothers when given the opportunity to hatch and raise chicks. Hens are generally less aggressive compared to roosters.

4) Purpose: Barred Rock Rooster vs Hen

Rooster: Barred Rock roosters serve multiple purposes on a farm or in a backyard flock. They provide protection for their flock, act as natural alarm systems, and can mate with hens to fertilize eggs.

Hen: Barred Rock hens are primarily kept for egg production. They are known to be reliable brown color of eggs layer. Hens also contribute to flock socialization, caring their chicks, hatching their eggs etc.

5) Egg Production: Barred Rock Rooster vs Hen

Rooster: Roosters do not lay eggs. Hen: Barred Rock hens are known for their good egg-laying capabilities. They are consistent layers and can produce around 200-280 large brown eggs per year, depending on factors such as diet, health, and environmental conditions.

Read Here: 5 Best Egg Laying Chicken breeds

Which is the better choice for you?

Barred Rock Chicken

Barred Rock rooster vs hen: The best choice for you will depend on your individual needs and preferences. If you are looking for a large chicken for their meat, then a rooster will be a good choice. Apart from this, if you are looking for egg production, then hens will be good choice for your backyard flock.


In conclusion, Barred rock rooster and hens both are good choice for backyard flock, as they can be reared for both meat production and egg laying purpose. However, the best choice for you is depending on your individual needs, weather you want for meat production, eggs production or both.

Hopefully, all the doubt related Barred Rock Rooster vs Hen is cleared, if really than please drop your valuable feedback by commenting bellow and don’t forget to share this post with your friends or chicken lovers, Thank you.

1) How long do Barred Rock chickens lay eggs?

Barred Rock chickens can lay eggs for 2-3 years. Some hens may lay eggs for up to 5 years, but this is less common.

2) How long do Barred Rock chickens live?

Barred Rock chickens can live for 7-10 years, but some have been known to live for up to 12 years.

3) When do Barred Rock chicken start laying eggs?

Barred Rock chickens are start laying eggs at around 6 months of age. However, some hens may start laying early as 5 months old.

4) When do Barred Rock chickens start crowing?

Barred Rock roosters typically start crowing at around 4-5 months of age. However, some roosters may start crowing as early as 3 months old.

I’m Mritunjay Chowdhury, delighted to share with you my years of experience and expertise in the field of chicken farming. Our mission is to empower chicken farmers, enthusiasts, and newcomers with accurate, practical, and insightful information to grow in poultry farming.

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