9 Best Free Natural Chicken Feed For Backyard Chickens!

Nowadays every small and large chicken farmers are wants to minimize their feeding cost in chickens for maximizing their profit from poultry farming. In this post you will get to know about 9 best free natural chicken feed idea that will help to minimize the feeding cost in chicken farming.

Free Natural Chicken Feed

9 Best Free Natural Chicken Feed

There has many such natural feeds in the world, them we can use to feed our chickens, but having knowledge about all of them is very important for chickens health. Hence, here are only 9 such natural chicken feeds which are most common and beneficial for chickens:

  1. Moringa Plant Leaves
  2. Wheatgrass
  3. Azolla
  4. Banana Tree
  5. Black Soldier Fly
  6. Green Vegetables
  7. Earthworm
  8. Kitchen Waste
  9. Seeds
Video: 9 Free Natural Feeds For Chicken

1) Moringa Leaves

Moringa (Moringa oleifera) pant leaves is the most common and excellent high protein natural chicken feed options, which is very easy to grow around the chicken farm area. Feeding moringa plant leaves to chickens will give several health benefits to chickens:

feeding moringa leaves to chickens

Benefits of feeding moringa leaves:

  • Moringa plant leaves has present antioxidant properties which will helps to protect the chickens from heat stroke during summer time.
  • Feeding moringa leaves to chickens regularly leads to faster weight gain in chickens.
  • In 100grm of moringa leaves contain Protein – 26grm, Fat – 6grm, Carbohydrates – 26grm and also other important nutrients.
  • Regularly feeding of moringa leaves to chickens is increase immunity power in chicken’s body, so that chickens are easily not get effected by diseases.
  • Moringa leaves has present high amount of calcium which helps to increase egg productions in hens and also increase quality of eggs.

How do you use moringa leaves for chicken?

There are 3 easy process of feeding moringa leaves to chickens: Feeding Moringa Powder, Feeding Moringa Extract, Feeding Raw Moringa Leaves to chickens. However, here is step by step process of feeding moringa leaves to chickens:

I) Feeding moringa leaves powder

This is the much long process of feeding moringa leaves to chickens, because it takes time to prepare, firstly moringa leaves have to collect, then have to dry them in the sun or other dehydration methods. When moringa leaves will dried, then it’s powder has to be prepared.

When you complete prepared the powder of moringa leaves, then you have to give it to your chickens to eat, for above 20 to 80 days old chickens use @50grm per 1kg of feed, and 81 days old or above chickens use @90grm per 1kg of feed.

II) Feeding moringa leaves Extract

In this process of feeding moringa to chickens, firstly the healthy moringa leaves have to collect, then the leaves have to grind well for extracting the juices from there.

When the moringa leaves juice is ready, after that the fresh juice have to give to the chickens: for above 20 to 80 days old chickens use @50ml / 1 liter of drinking water, and 81 days old or above chickens use @90ml / 1 liter of drinking water.

III) Feeding Raw moringa leaves

This is the very easiest process of feeding moringa leaves to your chickens. In this process, the fresh moringa leaves have to be collected and placed directly in front of the chickens so that the chickens can eat.

Apart from this, the moringa leaves have to cut into small pieces, add there some little amount of wheat flour and mix it well, then you can feed that ready feed to your chickens.

2) Wheatgrass

feeding wheatgrass to chickens

Wheatgrass is the another best natural chicken feed option. The wheatgrass is the freshly sprouted leaves of the wheat (Triticum aestivum) plant. Feeding wheatgrass regularly to your chickens will helps to improve their digestion, promotes the body growth and many more health benefits.

Benefits of feeding Wheatgrass

Regularly feeding of wheatgrass to chickens will provide several health benefits:

  • Regularly feeding of wheatgrass will increase immune power in chickens body.
  • It has contains all the important vitamins and other nutrients which will helps to chickens grow faster.
  • Wheatgrass has present antioxidant properties which helps chickens to keep healthy specially in hot weather.
  • It Helps to prevent chickens from bacterial infections.
  • It contains high amount of fiber which helps to improve digestion and absorb nutrients in chickens body.

How do you use wheatgrass for chicken?

To provide maximum benefits to chickens, wheatgrass can be fed in different way but the best and easy way is Raw wheatgrass feeding to chickens.

Wheatgrass or freshly sprouted wheat leaves can feed directly to chickens or cut them into small pieces, add some wheat flour or you can mix the feed which you are used for feeding chickens, mix them well, then you can directly offer to the chickens to eat.

Read More: Feeding Garlic to Chickens

3) Azolla

feeding azolla to chickens

Azolla is an small floating aquatic fern which is also known as the fastest growing plants primarily grown as a fodder for livestock. Lots of chicken farmers are using Azolla as natural chicken feed, which helps to cut the feeding cost by providing all the important nutrients to the chicken’s body.

Benefits of feeding Azolla

  • Azolla is the best source of protein, which contain 19 – 30% of protein
  • Feeding azolla to chickens will helps to full-fill the requirements of all essential nutrients to chicken’s body.
  • Regularly feeding of azolla is helps to boost the body weight of chickens.
  • If you start feeding azolla to your layer chickens, then your hens will lay more eggs along with that the quality of the eggs will also increase.
  • Azolla has contain immune-stimulating, antioxidant etc. properties, which will helps to keep chickens free from diseases.
  • It’s very easy to grow and also helps to cut the feeding costs in chickens farming.

How do you use Azolla for chicken?

Its very easy to feed azolla to chickens, firstly collect fresh azolla from grown area, then if you want to mix some other chicken feed with azolla, than you can, otherwise you can directly give azolla to the chickens to eat.

4) Banana Tree

feeding banana meal to chickens

Feeding banana trees to chickens can be a nutritious and cost-effective way to supplement their diet. Banana trees are rich in essential nutrients such as potassium, calcium, and fiber, as well as vitamins A and C.

Benefits of Feeding Banana Tree

  • Banana trees are an excellent source of potassium, fiber, calcium, and vitamins A and C, which all are essential nutrients for chickens.
  • Banana trees are often readily available and can be a cost-effective alternative to commercial chicken feed.
  • The nutrients in banana trees can help boost the immune system of chickens, improving their overall health and reducing the chances of diseases.
  • Feeding banana trees to chickens can also increase their egg production, Egg shell thickness, yolk color and overall egg quality.
  • Feeding chickens banana trees is a sustainable option as it reduces food waste and repurposes a part of the banana plant that might otherwise go unused.

How do you use Banana Tree for chicken?

Feeding banana meal to the chickens is very easy and cost effective process that every small and large scall farmers can follow-up. Here are some steps you can follow to use banana trees for chickens:

  1. If you have banana trees growing on your farm or nearby area, harvest the fruit, peels, and small amounts of the stem.
  2. Remove any parts of the tree that are not suitable for chicken consumption, than you can chop up the fruit and peels into small pieces to make it easier for the chickens to eat.
  3. You can mix the chopped banana tree pieces with the chicken’s regular feed. Start with small amounts and gradually increase the quantity over time.
  4. You can also hang the banana tree pieces in the chicken, that the chickens can peck that throughout the day.

Before the feeding of banana to chickens it’s important to ensure that remove any parts of the tree that are not suitable for chicken consumption, such as the leaves and stems, which contain high levels of tannins.

Overall, using banana trees for chickens can be a nutritious and cost-effective way to supplement their diet, but it’s important to do so in moderation and with caution.

Read More: Most Common Chicken Diseases

5) Black Soldier Fly (BSF)

feeding black soldier fly to chickens

Feeding Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae to chickens also can be a nutritious and cost-effective way to supplement their diet with protein. Black Soldier Fly larvae is the another best option as natural chicken feed, that are high in protein, calcium, and other essential nutrients that chickens need to stay healthy.

Benefits of Feeding Black Soldier Fly (BSF)

Feeding Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae to chickens can have several benefits, including:

  • Black Soldier Fly larvae are an excellent source of protein, containing up to 50% protein by weight. This can help support muscle growth and maintenance in chickens.
  • In addition to protein, Black Soldier Fly larvae are rich in other essential nutrients, including calcium, iron, and vitamins B and E, which can help to support overall health and wellbeing in chickens.
  • Raising Black Soldier Fly larvae can be a cost-effective alternative to commercial chicken feeds.
  • Feeding Black Soldier Fly larvae to chickens also helps to increase their egg production, as the larvae provide extra protein and other nutrients the chickens needed to lay healthy and quality eggs.

How do you use Black Soldier Fly (BSF) for chicken?

Here are some steps you can follow to use Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae for chickens:

  1. You can create a breeding system for Black Soldier Flies using compost or other organic waste.
  2. Once the larvae have matured, then you can feed the larvae to your chickens directly or mix them with other foods, such as grains or vegetables.
  3. If you have extra larvae, you can store them in a container and keep them in a cool, dry place. The larvae will stay alive for several days if kept at the right temperature and humidity.

Overall, using Black Soldier Fly larvae for chickens can be a sustainable and cost-effective, but overfeeding or feeding too many larvae at a time can lead to digestive problems for the chickens.

Read More: How To Strat Chicken Farming

6) Green Vegetables

feeding green vegetables to chickens

Green vegetables can be a nutritious and healthy addition to a chicken’s diet. The green vegetables are very easily available and also know for the best natural chicken feed option for free-range poultry farmers. Here are some examples of green vegetables that you can feed your chickens:

  1. Spinach: Spinach is high in iron and calcium, which are important nutrients for chickens. It’s a good source of vitamins A and C.
  2. Kale: Kale is high in vitamins A, C, and K, as well as calcium and iron. It contains antioxidants that will help support the immune system in chickens.
  3. Lettuce: Lettuce is a low-calorie vegetable that is high in vitamins A and C. It’s a good source of hydration for chickens, especially during hot weather.
  4. Broccoli: Broccoli is high in vitamin C and fiber, and also contains other important nutrients such as calcium and potassium.
  5. Cabbage: Cabbage is a good source of vitamins C and K, and also contains fiber and antioxidants that can help support the immune system.

Benefits of Feeding Green vegetables

Feeding green vegetables to chickens can provide several benefits, including:

  • The antioxidants and other beneficial compounds found in green vegetables, which helps to increase immune system in chickens.
  • Green vegetables are a good source of fiber, which will help to promote healthy digestion in chickens.
  • Providing green vegetables can help to reduce the stress in chickens.
  • Feeding chickens green vegetables can help increase their egg production, as they helps to provide the extra vitamins and minerals to the chickens.
  • Green vegetables are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that can help support the overall health and wellbeing of chickens.

How do you use Green vegetables for chicken?

Here are some steps you can follow to use green vegetables for chickens:

  1. Choose green vegetables that are fresh and free from any signs of spoilage or damage.
  2. Wash the vegetables thoroughly under running water to remove extra dirt.
  3. Chop the vegetables into small pieces that are easy for the chickens to eat. You can use a knife or a food processor to chop the vegetables.
  4. Mix the chopped vegetables with the chicken’s regular feed. Start adding a small amount of vegetables and gradually increase the quantity over the time.
  5. You can also offer green vegetables directly to your chickens. Simply scatter the chopped vegetables on the ground or in a feeding dish, and let the chickens peck.

7) Earthworm

feeding earthworm to chickens

Feeding earthworm to chickens is a nutritious and natural way to supplement their diet. Earthworms are the excellent source of vitamins, proteins and other important nutrients and also very cost effective natural chicken feed option.

Benefits of Feeding Earthworms

Feeding earthworms to chickens can have several benefits, including:

  • Earthworms are a natural and organic source of nutrition for chickens, which means they don’t contain any additives, preservatives, or chemicals.
  • Earthworms are an excellent source of protein, which is essential for increasing the body weight in chickens.
  • Due to high in Protein, which will help to increase the egg production and maintaining a healthy immune system.
  • Earthworms contain vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, and B vitamins, that can help keep chickens healthy and strong.
  • Earthworms are a renewable resource and can be easily grown at home.

How do you use Earthworms for chicken

Feeding earth worm to chickens is a very easy and less time taking process. Hence, there are a few different ways to use, but here is the simple way to feeding earthworms to your chickens:

  1. Live earthworms can be given to chickens as a treat or supplement to their regular feed.
  2. Dried earthworms can be added to chicken feed, it’s a convenient way to feed earthworms to chickens without worrying about them spoiling.

Before feeding earthworms to chickens, it’s important to make sure that they are safe and free from harmful chemicals or pesticides. Avoid using earthworms from areas that have been treated with chemicals.

8) Kitchen Waste

feeding kitchen waste to chickens

If you are backyard chicken framer or keeping few numbers of chickens at your home, then Feeding kitchen waste is the best and zero budget natura chicken feed idea, which will helps supplement their diet and reduce the food waste.

Every day you make something for yourself in the kitchen, but there are different things like: foods and vegetables which are remains or not used to eat, them you can simple offer as food to your chickens.

Benefits of Feeding Kitchen Waste

Feeding kitchen waste to chickens will provide several benefits, including:

  • Feeding kitchen waste to chickens is a great way to reduce the food that you waste in the house, as it allows you to repurpose foods, vegetables and fruits scraps.
  • Kitchen waste can provide chickens many nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can help keep them healthy and strong.
  • Feeding kitchen waste to chickens can also be a cost-effective way to supplement their diet.
  • Feeding kitchen waste to chickens can be an environmentally friendly, as it reduces the amount of waste that ends up in landfills.

How do you use Kitchen Waste for chicken

Here are some tips on how to use kitchen waste as natural chicken feed:

  1. Only feed your chickens kitchen scraps that are safe for them to eat. Avoid feeding them scraps that are spoiled, moldy, or contain harmful chemicals.
  2. Before feeding kitchen scraps to your chickens, chop them into small pieces, which wil help to make the chickens easy to eat.

Overall, Kitchen waste as natural chicken feed, that will only help to make up a small portion of your chickens’ diet, but along with this all the chickens should get their regular feed too, which should be their primary source of nutrition.

9) Seeds

feeding seeds to chickens

Feeding seeds to chickens is a great way to provide them nutritious and tasty foods. The most common seeds that chickens eats – sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, flax seeds, and chia seeds etc. which are best and healthy option as natural chicken feed.

Benefits of Feeding Seeds

Feeding different types of seeds to chickens will provide so many benefits for their health and well-being. Here are some benefits of feeding seeds as natural chicken feed option:

  1. Seeds are a good source of protein, which is essential for the growth and development of the chickens.
  2. Seeds also contain healthy fats that will help to provide energy to chicken’s body.
  3. Seeds contain dietary fiber, which can help to promote healthy digestion in chickens and prevent digestive problems such as diarrhea.
  4. Feeding seeds to chickens can encourage natural foraging behavior, as chickens will peck and scratch at the ground to find the seeds.
  5. Seeds contain antioxidants that can help to boost the immune system of the chickens, which will help to protect them from diseases.

How do you use Seeds for chickens

Seeds can be used as a healthy and nutritious snack for chickens. Here are some ways to use seeds as a natural chicken feed:

  • Simply scatter a handful of seeds on the ground or in a feeder for your chickens to peck at.
  • you can also mix the seeds with your chickens’ regular feed to provide them extra nutrition. Simply add a small amount of seeds to their feed and mix well.
  • You can sprout seeds to provide your chickens with a healthy and nutritious snack. Soak the seeds overnight, then place them in a container with a layer of damp paper towel or soil. Keep the seeds moist and watch them to sprout, Once the sprouts have grown, offer them to your chickens to enjoy.

Read More: 5 Most Egg Laying Chicken Breeds


Here we have discussed about 9 best free Natural Chicken Feed, feeding natural feeds to chickens is a healthy and sustainable option that can provide many benefits to the chickens. Natural feeds also offer a cost-effective alternative to commercial feeds.

All the mentioned Natural chicken feeds can help the chickens to receive balanced diet with all the necessary nutrients for their growth and development.

NOTE:   Whenever you feed green vegetables to your chickens, you have to keep one thing in mind, don’t give your chickens to eat green vegetables in the Moring or Evening, give such things in the Afternoon (within 10:00 am to 3:00 pm), and try to avoid during cloudy weathers.


1) How much natural feed should I give my chickens?

It will depend on different factors like chickens age, size, and activity level. As a general rule, you can provide about one-third  of the chickens diet in the form of natural feeds, with the remaining two-thirds have to fed from commercial feeds.

2) What types of natural feeds can I give to my chickens?

Natural feeds for chickens can be different types of grains such as Wheat, Maize, Bajra, Rice etc. Your chickens will also love to eat some Vegetables like kale, spinach, carrots, cabbage etc., and some Fruits like Apples, Berries, Guava, Watermelon etc. can also be given in small quantities.

3) How do I store natural feeds for my chickens?

Natural chickens feed should always be kept in a cool and dry place so that it can be prevent from spoilage. If you keep the feeds in moister contain area, then there is a risk of spoilage the feeds due to effected by fungus in the feed.

4) What is the best way to feed chickens naturally?

The best way to feeding chickens naturally is to provide them a balanced diet of grains, vegetables, fruits, and insects. Its very important to feed natural feeds as well as commercial feeds, so that they can full-fill their daily requirements of important nutrients.

5) What is in natural chicken feed?

Natural chicken feed can include a variety of natural ingredients such as vegetables, grains, fruits and insects. Common natural ingredients such as Grains like wheat, maize, bajra, oats etc. Vegetables like kale, spinach, carrots, cabbage etc., and some Fruits like Apples, Berries, Guava, Watermelon etc. can also be given.

I’m Mritunjay Chowdhury, delighted to share with you my years of experience and expertise in the field of chicken farming. Our mission is to empower chicken farmers, enthusiasts, and newcomers with accurate, practical, and insightful information to grow in poultry farming.

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